Where can I find ways to use HTML, CSS or any other layouting thingies?
irockyoursocks911 asked: syggested websites and places for an amatuer HTML, CSS and other codes? especially for freewebs and Xanga? thank you so much ^_^
irockyoursocks911 asked: syggested websites and places for an amatuer HTML, CSS and other codes? especially for freewebs and Xanga? thank you so much ^_^
ExHater asked: Alternatively, I’d like to display a text tooltip, styled on a black background with different colors and sizes of text. I can just create the tooltip with mspaint and save it as an image, but don’t know which way of displaying it would be easier to code.
Raymond asked: I am new to using CSS, and i have made a cool page that i want to set for all my pages as a default and i know i have to use CSS to do that unless i want to change all pages manually every time i want to change something, so how […]
googletechtalks asked: Google Tech Talks November, 12 2007 ABSTRACT Please welcome HÃ¥kon Lie and Michael Day, who will be presenting Prince XML. Prince Overview: Prince is a computer program that converts XML and HTML into PDF documents. Prince can read many XML formats, including XHTML and SVG. Prince formats documents according to style sheets written […]
aajstephen asked: I have uploaded the index.html and the folder index_html(which has pictures and css page) when I look online it has no picture and css styling. Do I need to put a link into the html and if so what is it. thank you
mark asked: Should I learn a server side scripting language and a database before attempting to learn xml? I still don’t exactly know what xml is used for, will I have a use for it if all I know is html,css and basic javascript?