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Entries Tagged ‘CSS’

How do I set the attributes for color in CSS for the H3 and STRONG tags?

ivan asked: I have my color tags set in CSS, but I don’t know how to set the color tags for H3 and STRONG to be different than the rest of the page. Anyone know how to do this?

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Part 1 Basic Css Map Tut

XxFartNokkerXx asked: I show you how to make a basic map in counter strike source (part 1) mostly about basic lighting,making a basic room/map and spawnpoints/buyzones

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What are some good tips for making a liquid layout with CSS?

jack asked: What are some good tips for making a liquid layout with CSS? Rex as always thanks for posting, It’s just layouts are hard for me to achieve with perfect design. I can’t seem to get it to work with resolutions/browsers issues.

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CSS – Meeting Paris Hilton – live Coachella 2007 (okeastron)

okeastron asked: Brazilian pop sextet CSS (Cansei De Ser Sexy) performs “Meeting Paris Hilton” at the 2007 Coachella Valley Music Festival. As a special bonus, Paris Hilton was actually there! You can catch a blurry glimpse of her dancing behind the speakers (in big sunglasses and a green dress) at about 2:55 into the video. […]

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How to put a 15 px space between two pictures using div tags and CSS?

x_siobhan_x asked: I have to put three pictures on my website with 15 px in between each picture. I have to use div taghs and CSS to do this. I have searched all over and cannot figure out how to do it. I am using Dreamweaver by the way.

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Vani Raja \”YUI CSS\” Perl Lightning Talk at OSCON 2007

schtonk asked: Vani Raja talks about YUI (Yahoo UI) CSS during the Perl Lightning Talks at OSCON 2007 in Portland, OR.

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