Elite Counter Strike Movie ! CSS ! Ownage Video !
tada1111 asked: A true story about love, hate and revenge in the CSS world.
tada1111 asked: A true story about love, hate and revenge in the CSS world.
cellexpert asked: cellexpert.sytes.net server de counter strike cource com narração de silvio santos e participação especial do jaja e juju.kkkkk
piewarrior asked: a movie about css zombie mod the server from this game is down 🙁 and i got the skins from: http://www.counter-strike-dl.com/
hachiryu008 asked: カウンターストライクのハルヒイズム的PV This is Mad movie of counter_strike+Haruhi
lilboy990 asked: Crazy flash video about counter strike..Credits go to the Cs Assult team who made it