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Entries Tagged ‘Browser’

Is there a way to use conditional comments using ONLY CSS?

Just Believe asked: I want to know if I can tell the client-side browser what to see using ONLY CSS. No HTML. Thanks!

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is it possible to set different css on one page depending on browser type?

emperor_beethoven asked: i’m but a newbie in javascript and css (plenty of experience in css, no experience at all in javascript). while reading a book about javascript, i learned that there are codes that can, shall we say manipulate the page depending on the browser you are using. since it would be very wasteful to […]

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Is there a Javascript code that would allow me to show a different css style depending on the browser?

Pick me for best answer!! asked: Is there a Javascript code that would allow me to show a certain css style if the person was using Firefox and another if they were using Firefox??

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