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Entries Tagged ‘Ads’

Creator of Google overlay ads on YouTube

NickinFilm asked: This video was the inspiration for Google Adsense, searching to find a way of maxmising You Tube’s advertising potential. Maybe. A while after this vdeio went up, Google got the message and introduced overlay ads on YouTube. A new dawn for advertising, but a send final chapter in amateur YouTube history. Any this […]

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What is the best alternative to Adsense?

Brian asked: I want to know what is earning more money on websites than Adsense ads and get some proof of earnings.

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Google Adsense Account – How to Get 1 Virtually Guaranteed

alexanderalaric asked: – google adsense account can be very hard to get because they are cracking down on sites by doing manual reviews to determine if they’ll even let you into the google adsense account club. There is a google quality score system that your site has to pass in order to even qualify […]

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Is it legal to embed a youtube video provided by a channel like CBS or BBC in a site having adsense ads ?

kannan asked: Many channels like BBC and universal music provides short video clips to youtube under an agreement. Also you tube gives code to embedd its video on any site.If a site is earning money with adsense ads,then is it legal to do such embedding? If not what can happen when such embedding is done? […]

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How much would I expect, on average, to make a month from Google Adsense with 1,000 posts a day?

faker56 asked: My forums gets about 1,000 posts a day. How much should I expect to get, on average, from Adsense if I started using it a month? Right now I am doing no ads and I need to try Adsense to help pay for the site.

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What does google think of repeat visiters who regularly click Adsense ads?

heythere :] asked: Are there any consequences since they aren’t the owner of the website? And does AdSense know the ip address of the clickers? This adsense business is confusing @_@ Thank you for answering though!

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