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Entries for the ‘Other’ Category

Flash Player 10 (Astro) Sneak Peek at MAX Chicago 2007 Keynote

aralbalkan asked: Today, Adobe gave a sneak peek into Flash Player 10 and showed off the new RTL, multi-column text engine, the new 3D features, and the new bitmap effect scripting language, Hydra.

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How can i replace HTML buttons with custom images?

Pranav V asked: I want to replace the boring default html buttons with the images I made so that they match my web site’s theme. Can anyone please guide me. I have no knowledge of php.

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Google Earth 4.3

gearthblog asked: First demonstration video of new Google Earth 4.3 (Free from Google) features by Google Earth Blog. See review here: Google Earth 4.3 First Impressions and Screenshots Download here:

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grand master flash

1988bogoss asked: yeahhh

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Send Emails with a Web Form – PHP Scripting in Dreamweaver!

tutvid asked: In the following tutorial we will start with a few html files – which are available for download at – and we will build an Email Handling PHP script that sends info from your web form to your email! It is pretty easy PHP so enjoy learning and Have fun! I am […]

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How do you insert images into an html document?

greaserocks101 asked: I’m trying to learn html so I can make my own website, but I’m really confused on how to insert images. I think I know the code, but how do I get pictures saved on my computer into the document?

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