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Entries for the ‘Other’ Category

How can I create a scrollbox that will show html for someone to copy?

resolve43 asked: I have a banner on my Myspace that I would like to provide the code for any other user that would like to put it on their page. I’ve seen it done but can’t find any information on it. I can only find information on the regular scroll boxes and when you put […]

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ALL of RON PAUL\’s replies @ CNN debate Jan. 30, \’08

researchris2 asked: Want to let CNN know how you feel about Ron Paul being ignored @ this debate? Contact them @ any of the links below… …..’Anderson Cooper 360′ …..’The Situation Room’ …..’American Morning’ …..’CNN Newsroom’ …..’Lou Dobbs Tonight’ Go to: to watch the ENTIRE debate. You’ll be able […]

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What is the best way to learn basic html?

pink_lover210 asked: I was looking for a new layout for my myspace page. I found one, but the person who made it said that I wont be able to use it unless I learn basic html. So that’s the reason. If there is anyone out there that knows of the best & easiest way to […]

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Superman TAS Speed Demons

nightwing897 asked: superman and flash race

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How google read pages that are dynamic and not HTML static?

Ranimi23 r asked: Lets take Y!A as an example: All Q&A are in a big Data Base (tables, fields, .. ). So, every question I watch is the same PAGE but the content is dynamic being insert to the PAGE. So, How google know the question is in Y!A DB, while it is not a […]

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Top 12 Tiny Freeware Windows Programs that Save tons of time

jimmyrcom asked: Taskbar Shuffle (also, the quick key for un-minimized is shift+windowskey+m) Always on Top Foxit Eyedropper (dead, link) Newest version may have memory leak issue (slows down the more you use). Apparently autohotkey also has a similar function in their “window spy” feature. Not very visual, but maybe more […]

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