How is internet traffic related to Adsense revenue?
Apr.27, 2007 in
toddcambden asked:
I realize Adsense pays different amounts for different key words but I want to get a general idea of the correlation between traffic and revenue from Adsense. i.e.
100 unique hits a day = ____ average Adsense rev.
1000 “” “”
Another question: Is Adsense the best way to go for advertising? Is there a better route? I assume Google takes a nice margin on the revenue…

Custom Search
May 1st, 2007 at 2:35 am
The more traffic you have, the greater your Adsense revenues.
For example (hypothetical only), assuming that your metrics are:
Page impressions = 10,000
CTR = 2%
ECPM = $10
EPC = $0.20
Revenue = $50
Given all the other variables constant, but increase your traffic to 20,000 page impressions, then you can theoretically double your revenues. This of course assumes that Google’s smartpricing will not kick in and either lower or raise the value of your clicks.
Adsense is the showing of ads on third party websites. The advertising tool is called Adwords. The revenue share that many say based on the SEC filings of Google is 70-30, but I wouldn’t be surprised in there is a sliding scale (e.e. bigger cut for bigger publishers)
You may want to read the article “8 Tips for Maximizing Contextual Advertising Revenues”