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Entries for July, 2008

How do I add embedded CSS to an existing webpage in Notepad?

John W asked: I need to open a page to which I want to add embedded CSS in Notepad. (My pages: career, links, bio and links and contact). Type the embedded CSS code in the portion of the existing Web pages by hand-coding it in Notepad, using CSS coding.

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How can I place google adsense advertisments in my Phpbb forum?

Ziad asked: I am starting my own forum soon and I need to place google adsense advertisments on the top or maybe the sides too, where shall I enter the google code?

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Does Yahoo have an equivalent to the Google Adsense Program?

Saabir asked: I heard about overture. But when you go on that site you see that it is the same as Adwords and not Adsense. Does Yahoo offers anything like Adsense? If yes, then do tell me the link for that site. Thanks.

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what is queries for google adsense for search?

love coldplay hate miley asked: for the google adsense thing, whenever someone searches and clicks on an ad, is that a query? please help describe it to me. how much money do i get per query?

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I have a site and I want to advertise. What other ads for money sites are there other than AdSense?

Homer asked: Simple question. I got my AdSense account disabled because one of my site admins made over 1,000 invalid clicks on my ads… Bummer! I’m looking into Bidvertiser and OpenAds, I just don’t know which is comparably better or at least equal to AdSense.

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Stacie Orrico Stuck

JournalOfJco asked: Music video to Stacie Orrico’s hit single from 2003, from her 2nd album.

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