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Entries for May, 2008

Can Anyone Give Me The Last Few Years Adsense Issued The December (PIP) Payments?

oncameratalent asked: Can anyone tell me what day of the month that Google Adsense issued payment (payment in progress) in the month of December for the last several years? I am curious if they issue payments any earlier in December due to the holiday.

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Is it legal to embed a youtube video provided by a channel like CBS or BBC in a site having adsense ads ?

kannan asked: Many channels like BBC and universal music provides short video clips to youtube under an agreement. Also you tube gives code to embedd its video on any site.If a site is earning money with adsense ads,then is it legal to do such embedding? If not what can happen when such embedding is done? […]

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what is the html that is needed to put a background on myspace?

Comicstorm asked: i want it to be stretched to fit the page, fixed scroll (not tiled), i need the tables to be transparent so that the bg shows thru, and i want to edit the scroll bar and text in what colors i want. what is the html for this? it doesnt work?

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AdSense(アドセンス)専用 動画チュートリアルツール

mukaitsuyoshi asked: AdSense(アドセンス)専用 動画チュートリアルツール

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Ultimate Naruto Fanflash 3

sekret24boy asked: Ultimate Naruto Fanflash 3 Enjoy~ -SeKret This is a creation produced by “N-J Productions”

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Dreamweaver CS3: The Learning series (Part 4) CSS Styling

wideworldofwebdesign asked: This is a series of tutorials that examines creating websites with all the available tools in Dreamweaver CS3. In PART FOUR we apply CSS styling to our web page.

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