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Entries for April, 2008

Azerothian Super Villains – Episode 3

ibeckman671 asked: Made up of the most evil of all of Azerothian’s evil villains, the “Azerothian Super Villains” are by the far the most evil and corrupt. Core members Illidan, Kael’thas, and Archimonde attempt at their evil plans of taking over the world every day! Will there plans come to fruition? Will they take over […]

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How do I go about making web templates: like the ones you can buy/download online? Do I have to know CSS?

Gemma A asked: Basically I’m a pretty competent designer but I’m just wondering how to make website templates in the style of the ones on places like templatemonster etc? Do I have to know CSS or another language, or is it possible to do it in HTML or without any scripting language whatsoever?

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What is the CSS for removing a gap between two images placed side by side on a webpage?

duriannut asked: I saw a webpage which does not have a gap between two images placed side by side. I do not know if they used CSS or some sort of programming language to design it.

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I google adsense a scam? Will I actually get paid the money I make?

alesanafan asked: Does anyone know if the money i make with adsense will actually make it to me?, and does anyone have any tips to getting traffic to a blog?

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If I close my Google AdSense account will I get my money? asked: If I close my Google AdSense account (and have under $100.00 in my account), will I get all my money I have made already?

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What are the advantages of creating a website with plain html rather than a WYSIWYG?

Lord_and_Taylor asked: I am doing a GCE project and I need to find out th advantages of using dreamweaver and of using plain html to create a website for an art galler. Help please!

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