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Entries for February, 2008


poil asked: I have completely no idea how to start, and i have been going to websites for hours, for a complete guide on how to start one, but its either you have to pay, or it doesn’t give enough info. I want to become series with adsense, but i only want it to be […]

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How much does adsense deduct when they pay?

stopthemadness asked: Like, how much do they take off your account when they mail the check to you?

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mc jean gab\’1 ocb (team css OCB)

rcmaxime asked: mc jean gab’1 plus ocb team

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Could anyboyd suggest me any good book to learn css deeply ?

Devender S asked: I am web desginer and wants to make table less pages. I made tableless pages earlier but there are lots of thing to do learn more CSS. For which i need a good book for it.

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How can I find HTML code that will put a button on my webpage that will let the viewer to send page as email?

Greg E asked: I am able to create webpages using some off the shelf creation software, but I need specific code that will allow my viewers to send the page they are viewing as e-mail. Is there a site that will have some predefined HTML code for these types of specific purposes?

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Go, Go, Parody Rangers II.1 Flash Movie

CandoraAuthes asked: You can watch the full version of this video in higher quality here: Episode 1, part 1 of a video found on of a spoof on “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” created by author Kirbopher15 Power Rangers belong to Saban (Sorry, but the full video is over 14 minutes long and I’ll […]

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