Make Money – Adding AdSense to a Webpage Using XSitePro
Here is a quick video that I made to demonstrate the ease and simplicity of adding AdSense to a web page using XSitePro.
XSitePro is my favorite HTML editing software. It makes building web pages simple. It works like a WYSIWYG editor with different modules for adding links, images,video, java script, anchors, adsense, affiliate links, & more. When you are done creating your web page, you can export to a file folder, maybe upload later, even better, i like to use the software to upload the entire site and all supporting files for me.
For more information about XSitePro, visit my page at:
For more Info.

February 18th, 2008 at 2:16 am
ur smart the website i use is freewebs lol it sucks
February 21st, 2008 at 1:41 pm
great video btw, i need to learn how to do this