ich + ich du erinnerst mich an liebe
dinimoon asked: Please, comments in english
dinimoon asked: Please, comments in english
JJ asked: What is the most important code to remember for html and css for the basics to get down with the foundation. I am taking my first class and am just wondering what the most important code is and how can you tell where everything is going to be in the site. Thanks
404Defender asked: http://www.404Defender.com/google-adsense-million Google Adsense is a massive money making opportunity. In this video, I’m claiming to have made $1 Million from Adsense last month alone. Yes – In just ONE single month. April 2008. Google Adsense is a huge topic in the internet marketing forums. There are many strategies for maximizing your Adsense revenues, […]
billskins asked: This is a kills video from CSS. It’s a corny video, corny indeed. But, I worked hard on sync here. Mostly event sync, because I had no real special effects skill at the time. It is titled as such because I had no imagination and gave it a practical name that meant what […]
Aniiiiis asked: Sheryfa luna – il avait les mots CLIP OFFICIEL Pour les lyrics : http://www.greatsong.net/PAROLES-SHERYFA-LUNA,IL-AVAIT-LES-MOTS,103116237.html
fateful_gravitation asked: I’ve tried several codes (on an html editor), but nothing shows up on the website – the background is still blank. am i doing something wrong? is there something i have to overwrite on the .css file before the bg can show up? i’m pretty new to this…HELP!