How do I make the same html appear at the top of each page?
I am a newbie to html and I am working on a web site. I would like to create a common theme for each page with a logo and text that appear exactly the same at the top of each page. If I create a page with just the elements I want at the top of each page can I then link it to each of my other pages? That way whenever I make a change to that page it affects all the other pages. It seems like this should be pretty basic stuff, but I can’t find what I need anywhere. Thanks for your help.

November 26th, 2007 at 3:22 am
Use the common html file as an include file.
November 27th, 2007 at 2:15 pm
Depends on what you use to create the page
Front page uses DWT (dynamic web templates)
that are tied to css (cascadeing style sheets)
to update you open each page and update the DWT
Other page creation software is similar
sometimes with different names for the same effect.
This may get you started for the do it yourselfer
gl 🙂
November 29th, 2007 at 9:39 pm
Create the logo and text and then save as a jpg, bmp, or whatever you want. Save it in the common folder and use it in the same position on each page. Then if you ever make changes to the file, when you save it again all your pages will display the updated jpg, bmp, or whatever.
December 2nd, 2007 at 11:15 am
Dreamweaver “templates” are the best way to accomplish what you are trying to do. The template will “lock down” the portion that you don’t want to change.
However, if you do not have access to this program (30-day trial is available on website), try using a photo editor program to play around with the “appearance” of the site. Decide EXACTLY how you want it to look, and then code the parts that won’t change (logo, header, navigation, etc). Save this file to something like “template.html”. Open it again, and immediately save it to what you want to call the file, such as index.html. Then you only have to code the things that will differ from page to page. Just remember that if you want to change anything in the template, you will have to change it on every other page, so try to get your visual first.