How much money do you get/will I get with google adsense?
Sep.02, 2007 in
Bob P asked:
I have a googlepages site where I recieve about 100 views a month. Is it worth my time to sign up for adsense? How many hits do you get a month, and how much do you get with adsense? While I know that these numbers can vary greatly, I have absolutely no idea. Is it worth my time to sign up? Thanks.
Custom Search
September 5th, 2007 at 1:11 pm
It’s free so you have absolutely nothing to lose only a little of your time.
It all depends on how many people will click on your adsense ads. The ads are targeted towards your keywords and site content so will display other sites that are similar to yours.
I don’t think that with a 100 views per month they will generate you very much income at all.
But if you want to try, as I said its free.,
Regards, Zyfert
September 6th, 2007 at 12:34 pm
I have been with Google Adsense since June 2003 and in my very first month alone I earned $500+ from it — and the revenues continued to increase every month. Given the significant income I receive from Adsense, I’d say it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done and definitely worth my time.
In terms of earning money on Adsense, your mileage varies. One website with 10,000 uniques a day can earn $50 a month while another may earn $5,000. It is not easy to predict how much you will earn from Adsense. The only way you can learn about how your site will perform with Adsense is through trying it.
However, 100 pageviews a month is TOO SMALL. You need to add more content, build more traffic before you can get significant income from the program