love me or leave me asked:

If you are small publisher (i.e. get brought down. Which has happened in my case, when someone went wild and started clicking on my site. AdSense just emailed me to mention that my account is disabled (while they have continued to serve ads on my site!), when I’ve tried to figure out what’s wrong and explained that I didn’t do anything, they just re-iterated that my account was gone. After spending hours online, I’ve learned from a few sites, that you need to plead guilty and then they may reconsider, I did and they have restored my account. But why should I plead guilty, when I’m not?

Moreover how do you deal with situtations where you have more than one person sitting on the same IP? How can you prevent those people from clicking on links on your site – you can’t! I’ve suggested to google a very simple solution – just discount those clicks coming from account owner IPs (they know what they are since you log from them to check how much did you make). That case nobody gets hurt.