How do I get a song on my myspace profile using html?
Nov.03, 2006 in
♪sing♪ asked:
I have searched the music section of myspace and cannot find this song. I want to put it on my profile using another means if its possible such as embeding it with html but im not sure how to do that plus I dont know where I would get the song on the internet for that. Any help would be appreciated!
Custom Search
November 6th, 2006 at 8:14 am
host your music file on, get the url for your music off ripway and insert it into the spot that says —–your music url—-
November 8th, 2006 at 3:11 pm
Hey! You can go to
Thats where I got all my myspace music and it’s free at that. You can actually make a long list of music that you like and then copy and paste it to your page to start automatically. I love it! Check mine out if you wanna…although mine is private, I could accept you as a friend, you could click on my playlist and it’ll take you directly to the site.
Good Luck!